Believe it or not, 46 percent of the total number of Google searches is local! The importance of local SEO can hardly be undermined therefore. As your SEO expert will tell you, here are some of the gravest SEO mistakes to avoid.
1. Inaccurate, inconsistent NAP information
NAP is the acronym representing Name, Address and Phone Number. It is one of the basic metrics that search engines use for ranking local businesses in their results. Simply providing the information prominently on your webpage is not enough. The information needs to be consistent. Prominent sources state that all prominent search engines have a practice of checking contact information across sites like Yelp, Yellow Pages and other directories. Therefore, it is important to check the details before putting it up on the website. Make sure it is clearly visible as well.
2. More than one URL to the same page
Check whether one or more URLs are leading to a single page on your website. Your SEO expert will always advise you against such a practice. This leads to failing in canonical checks. Also, when you have multiple URLs or inbound links to a page, it splits equity among the links and this hurts the links, affecting your SEO performance overall. In case, such links have been mistakenly created, you should consider removing them completely.
3. Not giving due importance to local reviews
Reviews have a huge impact on your local SEO ratings. The more high quality and diverse reviews you get, the better your local SEO ratings are likely to be. As any SEO training course will tell you, the quantity of reviews you get is also important. It is always a good idea to invite your potential customers to post reviews. You can provide them incentives for posting reviews.
Local SEO ratings can make or break your business. Due importance should be given to it.
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