How to Market Your Aircon Servicing Company in Singapore

The number of air-conditioner users has skyrocketed over the years, and so has the number of aircon service providers. What does that mean for your aircon service company in Singapore?

Well, now you’ve got a larger market but stiffer competition. The need for marketing your business has never been greater. One common mistake people make is marketing only during the peak season, i.e., the summer months. But the fact is; customer relationship building is not a seasonal thing. You need to keep your marketing endeavors active throughout the year. Here are some useful tips.

Define your target market

A larger market means that you’ve many different customer groups, from individual home owners to commercial building owners and property developers. While you can target all the groups at once, your marketing becomes more effective when you plan your campaign for a specific customer group. If possible, go to the next level and develop an ideal buyer persona for your service. This may require digging deeper into the customer info. For instance, you may want to target individual homeowners with an air-conditioning system older than 10 years. The more specific your target audience the more relevant is your marketing message.

Promote online

Importance of promoting your business online cannot be stressed enough. If you think you can bank on your offline networking alone to give you enough clients, think again. Until you build a strong online presence, you’d not know what you’ve been missing out. To tap the full potential of online marketing however, you need to hire an SEO expert. Search engine optimization techniques are ever-changing. Only an expert in the field keeps updated with the latest techniques. Launching a company website is the first step. Real SEO starts from where you stop thinking. From blogging to social media promotion and link building, there are many ways to boost your search ranking. So seek professional help for SEO.

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